Professional Experience:
Freelance journalist in Berlin for Online media, magazines and radio, covering Eastern Europe, Foreign policy, Education and media topics. (Deutschlandradio Kultur, Deutschlandfunk,„Osteuropa”,loyal),moderator and speaker at conferences, media consultant, project manager.
2017 Consultant for Ukrainian media-watchdog „Detektor“
2016 Researcher and author of the report for Reporters Without Borders “Facing reality after the Euromaidan” ROG
2016 Media Consultant for the Berlin office of European Council on Foreign Affairs (ECFR) and their study EU Cohesion monitor within the project Rethink Europe.
2015 „Milena Jesenska Fellowship“at the Institute for Human Science (IWM) in Vienna.
2011-2013 Executive Director of NGO „Uzbekistan Press Freedom Group“, which published, an online-newssite which worked with a network of independent journalists in Uzbekistan and published news for Uzbekistan.
2011 Research scholarship of Robert Bosch Foundation (Grenzgänger) for research in archives in Moscow to write a book about my father Hermann Pörzgen.
2007 author of the book “Gazprom. The power from the pipeline”, Hamburg
2004 - 2006 Foreign correspondent for the daily German newspapers “Frankfurter Rundschau” and „Stuttgarter Zeitung“ in Israel
2001 - 2003 Foreign correspondent in Southeastern Europe for the dailies: „Frankfurter Rundschau“, „Stuttgarter Zeitung“, „Tagesspiegel“, based in Belgrad
1997 - 2002 Freelance journalist in Sarajevo, Hamburg, Zagreb und Belgrad
1993 - 1996 News editor at „Frankfurter Rundschau“
1991 - 1993 Traineeship at the „Frankfurter Rundschau“
1990 French language course for one year with Alliance Francaise and internship with German Radio in Paris.
1983 – 1989 Studies of Political science, Slavic language and Eastern European history in Munich. Masters degree with a thesis on „Soviet foreign policy towards South Africa“
1981 German Abitur at St. Adelheid Gymnasium in Bonn
1969-1974 German School in Moscow
Foreign Languages:
German (native), English (fluent), Russian (fluent), Serbian (basic), French (basic)
Honorable post:
Co-Founder of German NGO “Reporters Without Borders” in Berlin and acting board-member
Member of the Network for Reporting about Eastern Europe (n-ost)
Member and co-founder of the freelancer organization “Freischreiber”
Member of the Network Research (Netzwerk Recherche)